Few Important Shortcut key For Ubuntu Users

Few Important Shortcut key For Ubuntu Users

If you are fan of Ubuntu, i am going to tell you few important shortcuts that i think you should know. But remember that i am not very good at explaining things. So try to use these shortcuts at the same time to understand it better.

  1. Ctrl+alt+t => this open terminal.
  2. Super + l or Ctrl+alt+l => lock the desktop.
  3. Ctrl + d => to go to the desktop.
  4. Super+a => to open application menu.
  5. Super+m => toggle notification tray.
  6. Ctrl+q or Ctrl+w => to close application window.
  7. alt+F4 => to close terminal because Ctrl+w will not work there.
  8. Ctrl+Alt+Arrow => mover between work spaces.
  9. Ctrl+alt+Del => To log out.
  10. Ctrl+alt+shift+r => Video capture desktop
  11. Super+h => hide window also know as minimise window.
  12. Super+F10 => Access Application menu.
    IMPORTANT => If by pressing F3 volume is increasing and you are unable to press F3. Just press fn key and at the same time press f3 key. It will work just fine.